
R&D of Sustainalube AB

The R&D team includes world-leading scientists in tribology and lubrication. The head of research (CTO) and founder of the company is Professor Yijun Shi. Prof. Yijun Shi has been working in the field of Tribology for more than 20 years.

Since 2015, Sustainalube AB has been running several research projects on glycerol-based lubricants. The research was funded by Mistra Innovation, Kempe Foundation, Vinnova, Formas, Energimyndigheten, EIT Raw material, etc. The research grants amount until now (2024) has reached around 40 MSEK. All projects have been carried out in close collaboration with Luleå University of Technology.

Thanks to this close collaboration between Sustainalube AB and Luleå University of Technology, we have access to many highly advanced tribology test and analysis equipment, e.g., Micro–Pitting Rig (MPR), Mini Traction Machine (MTM), SRV®5 Tribometer, Anton Paar Rheometer, Zygo 3D profile meter, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and much more. This greatly enhance Sustainalube AB R&D’s quality and efficiency and makes it possible to compete on the same high level as more matured lubricant companies.

During the past years, Sustainalube AB has also built-up extensive cooperation with many large companies in different industries, such as hydropower, forestry, production and manufacturing. This has made it possible to understand the need from the market and gives our R&D clear targets.